

The 2nd Tainan Cultural Heritage Academy Contest Kicks Off With 32 Participating Teams


The inaugural Tainan Cultural Heritage Academy Contest was held last year, and it was well-received by students and teachers alike. To help students ingrain the concept of cultural assets, the Tainan Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage has expanded the size of this year’s competition by allowing more teams to participate and reducing eligibility restrictions. The Administration also adopted less-rigid questions to pique students’ interest in the competition. These measures attracted 32 teams to this year’s competition, doubling last year’s participation numbers. The competition maintains the same rules as last year: there are three people to a team and the existing buzzer rules apply. To reward the students for their participation and hard work, the 1st place prize money totals NTD9,000, the 2nd place prize totals NTD6,000, and the 3rd place prize totals NTD3,000.

As the host of 2020 National Heritage Day, Tainan City hopes this fun and interactive competition will inspire city residents to get closer to, and learn more about, Tainan’s cultural assets. Furthermore, Tainan City hopes to cultivate a future generation of cultural asset protectors through the Tainan Cultural Heritage Academy Contest and so pass on our cultural inheritance.

最後修改日期 2020/12/14 上午 08:14:29