

Gueiren Renshou Temple’s Wangchuan Festival and Pilgrimage

Renshou Temple, where the god of medicine is worshipped, was built during the Kingdom of Tungning period. In addition, which is the most important temple in Gueirenbei Village, serves much of the region around Jioushe Street. This area had been a prosperous and bustling business area in the mid Qing period. However, by the early Japanese imperial period, this area suffered a deep decline, due to an outbreak of the plague. In response to this lethal outbreak, residents of the area organized the first Wangchuan festival in 1909, which lasted for five days. Thereafter, the tradition has been passed on from generation to generation.

Gueiren Renshou
最後修改日期 2020/7/9 下午 01:19:04